Sharepoint for Schools

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    Sharepoint for Schools

    Many education providers are now using Sharepoint as a central location for both document storage and information. Sharepoint is a fantastic tool if setup correctly and can be used for both Staff and Student notices, document storage, polices & procedures and even displaying recorded video assemblies.

    The Malaco Technology Team has developed a streamlined approach to setting up a turn key Sharepoint system which can be customised to each individual school. We believe that a rounded solution can not only provide an organised space for students and teachers to access information, but also provide a powerful communications platform. Every Sharepoint Project includes a training element where one of our team will perform group or one on one training to ensure the site can be used to its full potential.

    We have delivered Sharepoint sites within the Eduction Queensland, Catholic Education and Private Education sectors and seen some amazing results. We would love to chat with your school about how we can improve or overhaul your Sharepoint site to provide an exciting and innovative collaboration solution.